Friday, July 27, 2007

Oviedo to the 3rd degree

SO the 3rd week has come and gone, and in fact the 4th week is almost over as well, but I never updated the blog simply becuase week 3 sucked. As much as I try to take things into thE POSITIVE I´m sticken with senioritis, also my inability to sit still in a classroom enitment and endure the bleak boredom of the classroom, I´m would be considered a ¨problem student¨with teachers. It´s not also the...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oviedo week part DUEX!

So the second week has come and gone in good ol´Oviedo, and it has been good. I was off to a rough start when I first arrived to Spain, I was, I was robbed, and utterly sleep deprived. But now that I´ve settled into my new surroundings I can say that this place is cool, you just got to know where and when to go, which I´m still learning.When I and the rest of my fellow Americano students arrived we...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

First week of Oviedo and the Bulls

Okay, so the first week has come and gone and I must say that it´s been... eventful. On the first day of school it was the usual orientation and also a placement test that I fretted over the night before doing last minute craming. I was sincerely worried that I was screwed, that I would do so badly that I would be set back and not in the place to recieve the necessary credits, but thankful that wasn´t...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Gone From Barcelona to Oviedo

So I just left Barcelona last night on a 12 hour bus ride, which I BARELY made it to since all the subway (metro) got delayed. I mean barely like the buss was pulling out of it´s port. I slapped the driver´s window and he let me throw my bag in and away I went.I´m not too sad to leave Barcelona, it wasn´t as cool as I thought it would be, the beach wasn´t that good compared to the beach town of Sitges...