Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oviedo week part DUEX!

So the second week has come and gone in good ol´Oviedo, and it has been good. I was off to a rough start when I first arrived to Spain, I was, I was robbed, and utterly sleep deprived. But now that I´ve settled into my new surroundings I can say that this place is cool, you just got to know where and when to go, which I´m still learning.

When I and the rest of my fellow Americano students arrived we were treated to the sight of an empty campus and a home of really ridiculous rules (no drinking in the dorms? Ya right, dumbasses!) with the presence of constant overcast weather, it seemed that my summer wasn´t gonna be in the slumper. But the second week has been sunny weather and Gijon fun.

Last tueday we had an excursion to the nearby beach town of Gijon after class, the weather was nice and the intial free time that was given to us we went straight to the beach and went swimming in the Spanish Atlantic, sort of speak. Of course the whole point of any excursion is to take us to some lame museum or site that has historical signicance, but who fucking cares becuase there was a festival/carnival just down the street, haha! The museum took only a couple of hours then we were given the option to going back to Oviedo right hten and there with the school busfor free, or take a train or bus later that costed like 2 euros, most stayed of course. If anyone has been to a traveling carnival, it´s no different in SPain, except one thing - graphical images. There were a couple of those haunted rides, and in the states they are pretty tamed, but in spain the outside fascade has images of bloody graphical death scenes and women in nude quasi-rape scenes. Certainitly a no go in the states.

In the carnival everyone broke up into smaller groups, I stuck with Ian and Pat, fellow UO peps, that are like friend of a friend that I just never met, Eugene is such a small college town. We didn´t stay too long at the carnival becuase we had to meet up with Shane, an Australian in our spainish class, who lives in Gijon with his wife. When we meet up with him after buying a few bottle of wine, he took us to his apartment, which was close to the harbor and was really nice inside. As he was taking us to his apartment I was asking what restuarant we were going to and he gave me a vague answer, I didn´t really care so I never pushed him. But as we got inside his home he gave us some Spanish version of coronas inside the kitchen and I saw that his wife was cooking. So there was no restuarant, only a home cooked Australian meal of Lamb, Corn, Bread, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, and some other DELICIOUS FOOD! No offense to the Spanish but their diet is monatonous. With the food and wine we lost track of time and had to take the last train back to Oviedo, and ran into our spanish teacher, who was with her boyfriend. We did our friendly exchanges and we parted ways afterward.

Friday I finally went to the clubbing sections of Oviedo, which I thought were non existant. For the past week and half we´ve been going to the bars and restuarants that were low key, feeling that this place was deprived of youth, it seemed bleak. But this was not the case. All the bars and clubs are in the old section of town, which are a spiral of small cobble stone streets, so it´s easy to miss a street and get lost, and feel like your going to get mugged in some dark alley. I like the clubs here more so than Barcelona, true they are noticable smaller, but they don´t ask for cover, and most of the time they give you a free first drink just to get you into the door. Inside is the Euro scene of hot chicks of Spain, and like any place in the world, the massive sausage fest of EUro dudes that were outnumbering the ladies 3 to 1. I had fun, danced, got drunk, but went home about 3am which is kinda early since usually people party till at least 5 am in Spain, but I had an excursion to the country side of Spain and had to get up at 8am.

The following morning I made some eggs and ham and went to the fruit store and bought a huge bag of plums and nectarines becuase I knew it would be closed on sunday and it was super cheap, didn´t even cost me 2 euros. The bus ride to the mountains wasn´t too long, but I swear I´m with these jack ass guitar playing teacher assistants that just won´t shut the fuck up, they´re the only ones singing their lame ass songs, most of us had our iPods on. I tried to drowned out the guitar goons the best I could, also it helped that the last stretch up the mountain by the bus was so scary from the fact the roads were so small that every other corner I thought we were gonna tip over the and roll down the mountain that I couldn´t concentrate on anything else, but we lived!

I don´t kow what mountian range we were at but the weather was really hot but I didn´t notice from the constant cool breeze, it was so nice I took my shirt off and didn´t even notice how severly sun burned I got until later that night. Cows were everywhere, and so was thier shit, haha! After that we went to a church and fountian that was carved into a mountina side, supposedly if you drink from the fountain you´ll get married in a year, so to put the myth to the test I drank from it, haha! To mess with the everyone arround me when I drank from the fountain I started spazzing out that it burned my throat, like holy water to a vampire, haha! But it was actually really tastey, wished I had a bottle of water to fill up, but then again if the legend was true than I would have so many wives I would need to convert to mormonism.

Well, that´s it for now, wish the best to everyone!


Unknown said...

O Mr. Jonny Baggs....I have very much enjoyed reading your incite into the Spanish culture and sow shit. I am sitting here laughing out loud. Keep writing and I will keep reading. I have to go. love ya.