Friday, July 27, 2007

Oviedo to the 3rd degree

SO the 3rd week has come and gone, and in fact the 4th week is almost over as well, but I never updated the blog simply becuase week 3 sucked. As much as I try to take things into thE POSITIVE I´m sticken with senioritis, also my inability to sit still in a classroom enitment and endure the bleak boredom of the classroom, I´m would be considered a ¨problem student¨with teachers. It´s not also the class that makes me just fidgety or whatever, it´s the utter frustration of the study abroad program, the program is really intensive, in 1 week were taught 3 forms of past tense and 2 forms of future tenses with the irregular verbs and a slew of vocab and all this was tested last monday with only a week of class time. And god-fuckin-forbid if you have questions or you don´t understand some of the material, as I did, becuase your shit of luck becuase the teachers don´t speak english, so it´s fucking impossible to get an explantion of how to understand spanish from someone who speaks only spanish, it´s a contradiction, a conumdrum.

So week 3 I was told if I don´t act like a good child of ritalin, I was in danger of failing, even though I wasn´t the worst student of grade wise, but becuase my utter frustration and inability to particapate wasn´t to thier level, though that´s total bullshit. It wasn´t becuase I wasn´t able to particapate, it was becuase I wass acting like a ADD kid, which I think I might be, but becuase I was bored and frustrated I took a lot of ¨stepping out¨periods where I would leave the class and take a breather about 4 times a day. I think I always read if your frustrated or something, just about to hit your limit, a lot of psychologists oyu need to take a moment of breather to unstress yourself, but these fuck wad teachers say I need to endure thier bull shit class time. Just anyone with an observent eye only has to turn adn look at the sutudents and see the blank expressions on their faces of boredom to realize that the model of class time and structure doesn´t invigorate the mind, but dull it out, that´s school? For a place thatis culturally identifies itself as the institution of higher learning, school is so ignorant, arogant, and illogical, but heh, don´t rock the boat, eh?