I just started the third week of the program and never had updated the blog. Can´t really be critical as things haven´t changed too much - the program still sucks. Not only does it suck but this month is like redux, it hasn´t changed, it´s a repeat, nothing new is being taught, everyone, students and teachers alike, are just going through the motions becuase we just don´t care. Most of the students left, except those from Oregon. In class I can see the dull and muted eyes of the other students around me, bored, uninspired, just wanting to leave. I just don´t know how people can do it, is that why people say I´m the troubled one, becuase my lack of tolerance and ability to just sit there and let my mind just flounder? Just last week I had left class for a half a hour becuase I felt like my mind was being numbed from boredom, like the fire from the passion of the mind to learn and feel and experience things was being smothered to death. I can´t take it, and no sane person should. Today a fellow classmante, Eric, abruptly out of no where blurted out ¨I´M SO FUCKING BORED!¨, his head shook sparatically in a tremble that made his body to follow suit. And that´s what it is, I´m so fucking angry that this is what school thinks is education, to bore the person into thinking that learning is boring and uninvolving. Some people criticize me as if I have senioritis, I just think I have raw human sanity.
The Saturday excursions are still fun, but I´m losing interest in going to small towns and checking out old bilding and such, a person can only embrace ancient architecture for so long. It´s kinda sad that though the saturday is our day off, it´s sunday that is our free time to do what we want and it´s been raining every sunday, literately. I´ve had fun here but I lost interest, I´m ready to go. I found it apprehensible that our school is dead and that AHA has done nothing to help us become involved. I only found that AHA was only concerned tht we have a place to stay and that we pay our bills, they do want us to pass, as I am always on the edge of failing, not by doing poorly academic wise, but though attendence. But for the amount of money that we paid for you would think that AHA would have someone, like a tutor or somehting to help explain the material, but they don´t, which has been the worst in my veiwpoint, to not be able to ask questions about the material but only to sit there and listen to 4 hours of spanish lecture. This is something that wrote about enough, that school is more concerned with your behavior in class than what you learn, it says something of the institution.
I have to stay positive becuase to only focus on the fact that I´feel that I´ve been hustled $5000 and that I should have gone to Argentina instead will just drive me crazy becuase of how I could have used to money for other things, like a new computer. I mean $5000 is alot of money, and that was just tuition. But I´m almost done, one week left and that´s it, no more Advanced Highschool, oops, I mean Undergraduate College, HAHA.
The Saturday excursions are still fun, but I´m losing interest in going to small towns and checking out old bilding and such, a person can only embrace ancient architecture for so long. It´s kinda sad that though the saturday is our day off, it´s sunday that is our free time to do what we want and it´s been raining every sunday, literately. I´ve had fun here but I lost interest, I´m ready to go. I found it apprehensible that our school is dead and that AHA has done nothing to help us become involved. I only found that AHA was only concerned tht we have a place to stay and that we pay our bills, they do want us to pass, as I am always on the edge of failing, not by doing poorly academic wise, but though attendence. But for the amount of money that we paid for you would think that AHA would have someone, like a tutor or somehting to help explain the material, but they don´t, which has been the worst in my veiwpoint, to not be able to ask questions about the material but only to sit there and listen to 4 hours of spanish lecture. This is something that wrote about enough, that school is more concerned with your behavior in class than what you learn, it says something of the institution.
I have to stay positive becuase to only focus on the fact that I´feel that I´ve been hustled $5000 and that I should have gone to Argentina instead will just drive me crazy becuase of how I could have used to money for other things, like a new computer. I mean $5000 is alot of money, and that was just tuition. But I´m almost done, one week left and that´s it, no more Advanced Highschool, oops, I mean Undergraduate College, HAHA.
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