Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Europe Begins!

So I want to start this right since I forgot an actual journal Iĺl just write it here instead.

I just finally arrived into Barcelona after over a day of traveling, from Portland to Chicago, Chicago to Philidelphia, Philidelphia to Madrid, and a bus from Madrid to Barcelona. The Flight from Chicago to Philly was delayed almost 2 hours and I almost came close to missing my flight, but Ie been sick for the last couple of days that I was almost hoping that the Airline would put me on the next flight and set me up in a hotel to rest, but tat didnt happen. So in the end the total flight hours were 16 hours with a 7 hour bus ride, let me tell you this, it sucks to be sick while traveling for so long. And also, I get canker sores from stress pretty easily so you can tell that with graduation, moving, travling, and my parents ridiculous bickering, I have so many canker sores I cant even eat without torturous pain.

Iĺl write tomorrow about barcelona, but right now Im going to bed, after I I just took a hot shower. Only when I was in the army that such basic things felt like luxuries of royalty.