Friday, June 29, 2007


So Im in Barcelona right now and itçs a really cool city. Im in a hostel about 2 blocks from La Ramblas, a streatch of street that is the equivalent of New York Times Square. Bars, clubs, resturants and trendy shops line up the focal spot and Ive had as much fun as I couñd try to get even though my GAME has been hindered by the illness and canker sores. So what else? Checkig all the hip spots but not gonna waste my money on cover charges and over priced alcphol, I mean why should I when you can drink alcohol on the street but cant take it into the clubs, boo hoo!

I went bar hopping with a group of fellow hostel people yesterday, when we got to a punk bar one of the fellows in my group nudged me to the side and lead me into the bathroom room where he pulled out a small baggy of white powder that he claimed was cociane. He then clena a space in the bathroom stall counter, locked the door and made a line. He then told me how this was crazy shit and I should get on it, I was considering it when he told me to give him money, I tild him I could throw down 5 euro for some but he wanted me to give hime 20 euro and he would also buy me a beer. I politely told him no, but my mind was saying o fuck yourself, he then did a line and we departed. Later he in the night he confessed to us that he was certain that he bought a small baggy of baking soda, which the drug dealer said was coke, for 50 euro, haha loser!