Thursday, March 27, 2008

A New Start

I want to start off by what just occurred to me suddenly this clear star night as I walked outside my brother's house. I looked up in the night sky and saw the moon and thought of an old family pet. He was a black and white shizu, my brothers and I named him Pepper for that very reason of his color. But what the particular thing that I remember about him when I looked at the night sky was a story my dad me about Pepper after his death a few years ago. My dad told me just prior to Pepper's death, in the middle of the night my dad was woken up by a troubling cry from Pepper as he was fidgeting from the floor. As my dad was scrambling from his own bed to aid in Pepper's plight, Pepper gained control of himself and went to the door, urgently waiting to go outside as Pepper. My dad opened the door and Pepper went outside and gently walked in the yard and stared at the moon. Pepper died shortly afterwards.

My dad told me that the sense was that Pepper knew that his time was up and he did what he could do at this moment to make his life better.

I live in Arizona now. I found myself constrained and not feeling that my life would benefit staying in Oregon at this period of time. I just could not tolerate the weather no longer, the utter lack of sun. My younger brother Paul lives here in Tempe, Arizona in the Phoenix area. I was given the opportunity and the support of family, in particular to my dad, to move to my brother's house and settle here in Phoenix area for the time being, and I took it. Though even thought today, I missed the vibe and scene of Portland, in particular the urban downtown experience. Though that's only because I haven't found the alternative here in Phoenix, which I will in a short particular amount of time. I will always note myself as an capable resource gatherer.